Sonja Rysti

Thavnarian, Calico, Illusionary Mage.

Profile and Reference

The Basics
Age: 28
Birthday: 12/29 by non-eorzean calendar
Race: Miqo’te, ¾ Keeper and ¼ Seeker
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual

Physical Appearance
Hair: Short and black, primarily - with red and white streaks running through it.
Eyes: a pale rosy gold.
Height: 5′4″
Build: Slender. This boy is a mage and an artist, he’s not used to swinging a sword around. He’s a stick! Gods help him if he needs to lift anything heavy.
Distinguishing Marks: He has vitiligo, so his body is covered with ever growing pale stripes that almost resemble tiger stripes. Some of them seem to have been at least partial tattoo’d or bleached to even out the stripes. His palms and the bottoms of his feet are pale as well. His tail is black, but orange tipped, with orange and white stripes on it, and it’s long and extremely fluffy.
Common Accessories: He keeps a series of bells attached to his belt, or belt loop. Somehow they don’t seem to jingle, even when he’s running. A sketchbook and drawing utensils. Often a bag containing a small paint kit and canvas built into a case for protection.

Profession: Artist - primarily a painter and sculptor, but he has also tried instruments, acting, singing, and dancing. He is also a mage of illusion and evoking magic. Amateur Alchemist.
Hobbies: It goes with the territory but - painting, sketching. People watching. Cooking and brewing ales, wine, and tea blends.
Languages: Thavnair, old Ivalcian, Eorzean
Residence: He bounces between a house in the Mists, a room in Kugane at the Thavnairian consulate,
Birthplace: Thavnair
Patron Deity: Byregot
Fears: Artist’s block, Chocobos (he will admire them from afar and that’s all thank you. he does not like the stink birds with their large beaks and scary claws)

Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: His parents both reside in Thavnair. His father is a military man and diplomat and travels often.
Siblings: three older sisters, who are all alchemists in Thavnair
Pets: a Mammet named Meddy, who helps him keep on schedule and not get distracted. Ervine is a Coeurl who takes the form of a coeurl kitten, and isn't really a pet.


I’m in Alaska so I’m an hour behind pacific time! Right now, due to COVID-19, I’m not working, but when i finally get back to work I do work a full time job that has varying shifts.

I myself have Lupus, and my partner is disabled. There is a high chance that I might have to do a quick brb in rp if it’s in game so that I can take care of them or myself!

I'm 29 years old. I'm okay with dark rp, mild gore, and NSFW (but I don't want ERP to be the focus) but not with minors. Please let me know if you're under 18!